From:   "jim.craig", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OK so let's assume that the march in March is, in terms of numbers, the
biggest success possible. A quarter of a million people attend (half a
million if you like) and even the tabloid press concede that we are the best
behaved supporters in the land.  The cops congratulate us on our
law-abiding behaviour and manage not to shoot anybody carrying chair legs or
other dangerous weapons like placards on bits of stick and we get positive
coverage on the broadcast media.  The Government ignores us as usual , goes
about it's business of being re-elected in May (does anyone really believe
that they will not do so?) and then claims to have a mandate from the people
to do whatever they like in the name of public safety.  Where do we go from
What's the plan for the 19th March and subsequent days?   If we go back to
our long established internecine feuding, throwing sections of the sport to
the wolves in a vain attempt to appease the antis, refusing to accept that
so far as some are concerned, we are ALL shooters and all to be equally
condemned, then the results sadly are all to plain to see.   Emboldened by
their successes so far and the total lack of effective resistance by the
shooting community, they will simply accelerate the pace of the attacks and
before we see the end of the next Parliament many of the Home Office and
ACPO wish list will have been passed into law and we'll all be planning the
next protest march!   When we  see that we are our own worst enemies and
stop handing victories on a plate to our opponents?  Was it Churchill who
said that his opponents were in front of him and easy to see while his
enemies were on his own benches behind his back?

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