From: Dario Alcocer <alcocer at helixdigital dot com>
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 18:35:28 -0800
> What problems exactly are you having with Ghostscript?  
> I'll assume that you're referring to the Cygwin version of Ghostscript.

They may not be a problem with ghostscript at all, contrary to what I said before.  It 
may actually be a problem with the .ps that was generated.  I have no experience with 
either format, but here's the error message from ps2pdf:
$ ps2pdf -dOptimize=true nasmdoc.pdf
Error: /undefined in setpagesize
Operand stack:

Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval-
-   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   fa
lse   1   %stopped_push   1   3   %oparray_pop   1   3   %oparray_pop   .runexec
2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --
nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1085/1123(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:111/200(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Current file position is 52386
GNU Ghostscript 7.05: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1

The .ps was generated from a perl script that exited without error.  The build works 
on debian with perl 5.8.0 and GNU Ghostscript 7.05.  I'm using those same versions of 
each on cywin.
I'm sorry for assuming this was a problem with ghostscript if it isn't.  If you or 
anyone knows the source of this problem, I'd be happy to know.

Otherwise, I'm quite happy to leave the pdf out - it would double the size of the 
binary package, and its not a format that is particularly useful (imho) in cygwin when 
there's html as well.

Dean Scarff
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