Alexander Gottwald wrote:
Nahor wrote:

ok, from your images, your system at least uses the non-alpha icons.
What color resolution is your monitor at?


cygwin is unix. unix is simple (shell and stuff) and this is the opposite
of the bubble-gum os WinXP with alpha channel.

Uh? I don't get your point. I personally don't buy a machine just to run unix. I use it to do other stuff (mostly compilation) that do make use of CPU power.

The host I use at work is win2k. We have bought our _first_ XP host last
week. I don't know any company which choose XP over 2000. XP requries a
lot more resources than 2000 and a computer magizine even stated that XP
wastes about 200MHz. (2Ghz with XP is as fast as 1.8Ghz with win2k)
The other host is linux since compiling with cygwin is so slow (the 500Mhz
host compiles the xorg tree much faster than the 1.8Ghz windows/cygwin host)

Nonsense. I have it running on an AMD K6-2 400 MHz chip with 384 MB RAM and it is *fast* once it finishes booting (which it does more quickly than even NT 4.0). My wife uses this machine with and Mozilla at work with no performance complaints. Before I sent it over to her job (she works at a university lab that didn't have enough money to buy her a computer) I was using it as my *primary* development machine at my job, running copies Visual Interdev 6.0, Visual Studio.NET 2002, compiling lots of source code, running a web server, etc. All of this with the eye candy settings left at the defaults.

So we are getting a little off topic here, but there is nothing about XP that makes it inherently slow or that makes it require a super fast machine to run.

So I have a recent machine, so I have XP. I assume that
quit a dew (most?) geeks using Cygwin/XFree would be in the same case.
But it's just a guess.

This is a wild guess. gamers usally spend more on recent hardware than
geeks. geeks by unusual, cool hardware. but speed is not as important as
for gamers.

Heh heh...


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