Stephen A.Goulet wrote:
This is what finally worked for me. Start cygwin and do a df, if this show the mount points, /usr, /usr/bin/, and /usr/lib. Then umount /usr and close the cygwin window. Now do the reinstall of the fonts as documented in the FAQ.
I agree, but wanted to add to this feedback.

I have found that you need to mount the fonts in binary mode. You see, I go against the recommended practice and install Cygwin in Text mode - i.e. text files have DOS line-endings. I find that this allows better inter-operation between Cygwin apps and Windows apps. However, this seems to break X11's fonts (I *suspect* that somewhere in X the fonts are being opened in text mode when they are binary files but I haven't been able to confirm this). If this is your problem, the solution is to separately mount the font directory in binary mode - for example, my mount table contains the following:

e:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\lib\X11\fonts on /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts type system (binmode)
E:\cygwin\bin on /usr/bin type system (textmode)
E:\cygwin\lib on /usr/lib type system (textmode)
E:\cygwin on / type system (textmode)
c: on /cygdrive/c type system (textmode,noumount)
d: on /cygdrive/d type system (textmode,noumount)
e: on /cygdrive/e type system (textmode,noumount)

Note the first entry. Once I have this extra mount point for the X11 fonts, I reinstalled all the fonts using the Cygwin installer - which has a 'reinstall' option for each package. The reinstall means that the font indexes get regenerated.

FYI the command for generating extra mount points is called 'mount'.

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