Eric Roode wrote:
> My xterms are screwed up.  Numlock is very wonky:  Let's say I start
> off with numlock on; I am in a Windows (non-X) window; I switch to an
> xterm; I use the numeric keypad to type; I get nothing (tildes, escape
> codes, non-numlock crap).  I switch to another xterm, I type on the
> keypad, I get digits.  I switch back to the first xterm, it's still
> acting as though numlock is off.  I switch to a Windows window, then
> back to the first xterm.  Now it behaves as though numlock is on.  I
> switch to the second xterm window, *it* is behaving as though numlock
> is off.  All this time, the numlock LED is lit.  I can consistently
> repeat this.

This has been quick-fixed by disabling the synchronization. Note that you'll
have to start X server with numlock and capslock off.

Yaakov (Cygwin Ports) wrote:
> * Temporary disabled the NumLock/CapsLock synchronization due to several
> bug reports.

Thank you !

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