
On 30-1-2015 20:59, Jon TURNEY wrote:
On 22/01/2015 07:55, Maarten Hoes wrote:
When I create and save a configuration with 'XLaunch', for example as
'config.xlaunch', I have the following behavior when double clicking the
saved config file: It just launches XLaunch as if no configuration was
saved at all. When I open up the saved configuration file in an text
editor, all the right settings are there in the xml file. Is this
expected behaviour, or am I running into a bug ? I'm expecting the saved
configuration in the xml file to be used instead of having to fill it in

Thanks for reporting this issue.

It seems that this stopped working correctly a while ago due to some changes in run or cygwin argument parsing.

I've uploaded an updated xlaunch-20150130-1 today which should fix this.

Thanks, the new version fixes the issue for me: double clicking a saved .xlaunch file now uses the saved configuration settings.

- Maarten

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