TV wrote:
> On 2009-09-01, Dave Korn wrote:

  Wow.  You kind of quoted my email address, but then you went and changed it
into some poor innocent bystander's account.  Whoever that is won't be pleased
with you.

  <  this space left blank for Tuomo to explain why that's the innocent
bystander's fault, and not his for using a buggy newsreader  >

>>   Don't kid yourself: it's you that's at fault, not the whole rest of the
>> world.  You've been rude and arrogant from your first post.  
> Oh, this is must be a cultural thing about americans and
> their tanned tongues. 

  I'm not even a little bit American, you silly little bigot.

> Can't stay to the facts, have to 
> make everything dripping with sugar, otherwise it's 
> considered rude. 

  Nonsense, it's got nothing to do with the way you say it, it's the content
of your message that nobody likes: self-regarding vanity, arrogance and
me-first egotism.  Unwarranted self-importance, much?

>>   Posting people's email addresses gets them spammed.  
> And the addresses are right there in the From-fields.

  Spammers don't subscribe to mailing lists to harvest addresses.  They scrape
them off the web archives.  The headers are munged in the archives.  The
bodies are not.  You're just trying to justify lazy selfishness.


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