One more time wrote:
> Ah, censorship. 

  zOMG we is suppressing your freedumb of speach!  O noes!  Call for the

  Seriously, that is the kind of pathetic nonsense spammers come out with.

> You clearly read the messages through some anti-tuomov glasses,
> as most of the FOSS herd does. It's not like I'm liked much for 
> pointing out where it's all heading, and my anti-distro licensing. 
> So the herd attacks the message thanks to the messenger.

  Oh, so you are a noble fighter for freedom, a voice crying out in the
wilderness, and anyone who thinks you're a jerk is just a gullible fool with
no independent thought, following the herd.

  Ha ha, no.  Sure, they laughed at Galileo, they laughed at Copernicus, they
laughed at Columbus and Newton and Einstein.

  But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.

  You're not trying to help anyone out or point the way.  You posted a
RRAAAAAGEE-filled angry self-pitying rant.  And then you expect to be treated
as some kind of hero.  Like I said, narcissistic vanity.  It makes you an
unpleasant person to be around.

  Face the facts: I have never met or heard of you before; it's entirely down
to the unpleasant tone of your first post and your subsequent descent into
full-on trollhood.  I am not following any herd, I made my own mind up, and
long before you started being deliberately rude for no reason over the issue
of quoting people's email addresses; it's precisely because I have an
independent mind that I think you're a jerk.

  I've set the Followup-to header to the suitable list for continuing this
off-topic discussion.


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