Ah, censorship. The Official Truth will become the Truth,
when the opposition is censored.

On 2009-09-01, Dave Korn <davek.spamt...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>   Nonsense, it's got nothing to do with the way you say it, it's the content
> of your message that nobody likes: self-regarding vanity, arrogance and
> me-first egotism.  Unwarranted self-importance, much?

You clearly read the messages through some anti-tuomov glasses,
as most of the FOSS herd does. It's not like I'm liked much for 
pointing out where it's all heading, and my anti-distro licensing. 
So the herd attacks the message thanks to the messenger.

>   Spammers don't subscribe to mailing lists to harvest addresses. They scrape
> them off the web archives.  The headers are munged in the archives.  The
> bodies are not.  You're just trying to justify lazy selfishness.

Any sane archive will obfuscate both content and headers, if it all.
This list is archived at http://news.gmane.org/gmane.os.cygwin/, and
available by NNTP through news.gmage.org, both of which spammers can
use. The former poorly obfuscates both (with @ replaced by <at>), 
the latter doesn't. Gmane can be configured to fully obsfuscate
addresses, but nobody has done it for this list. And yet people
carelessly post their real addresses in the headers... as if it's
worth the effort of trying to keep addresses out of spammers' hands. 
Better stay of the 'net.

No, the real reason for complaining about quoting an address has
nothing to do with spam. You just wanted some excuse for attacking 
me with some nitpicky rules...  on a list that is listed as the 
only place for users to report bugs, trying to help both the
project and themselves. But, no, the attitude among FOSS developers
these days is tha their project has no bugs, and they don't want
to hear about it, so it's made extremely difficult to report 
them... registering on some suckzilla, subscribing on a mailing
list (because apparently accessing through NNTP isn't really
allowed, even when available), listening to power-blind assholes
complain about some ridiculous directives hidden in some tome 
of Sacred Etiquette.

Signing off. Pitäkää tunkkinne!


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