On 5/11/10, Klaus Grue <g...@diku.dk> wrote:
> On Mon, 10 May 2010, Steven Collins wrote:
>> ... I'm not a fan of "cpm.exe" for two reasons. 1) ... 2) ...
> Good points
>> "CygwinPackageManager.exe" communicates clearly what the
>> program is without any further need of explanation.
> That is a good name. Simple is beautiful.
> Maybe one should also consider CygwinPM.exe. It is less informative but
> there are still cases where short file names are nice to have.

I would also mention I've had name conflicts with setup.exe
before when I try to install a bunch of things at once.
Even in java where you have packages that should
disambiguate names, it is sometimes useful
to make class names distinct without packages.

Unless there is a sleep aid of other drug called CygwinPM,
there may be little gained from the more verbose form.
I've been using the same cygwin in the AM too, have
I been wrong all this time? LOL.

It also looks like the hippo has an svg file, does this
mimic the ASCII hippo or has it gotten fancy? I just
want to reiterate my support for the ASCII art.
Maybe this does connote obsolete as in  CP/M but that is
a valid point- save the modern computing power
for computing and automated data processing.
This is like the fine corinthian leather
instead of the carbon fibre epoxy composite  LOL.

> Klaus
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