mike marchywka sent the following at Monday, May 10, 2010 10:09 AM
>Just personally I LIKE the ASCII art hippo. It demonstrates an ability
>to use primitive and CONCISE represntations for information - captures
>the essence without the extraneous junk. Today we are seeing lots of
>bloated things cause disruptions- bw wasting apps killed ATT with
>iPhone for example- and trying to do anything with windoze always seems
>to stick you with waste that actually makes automation harder- like
>replacing ssh with remote desktop.
>If pointing could replace a tractable alphabet and elaborate cave
>drawings could replace equations and computer code I may agree with you
>but you don't want to obscure the raison d'etre of the site. How much
>ASCII art do you see these days?

Personally, I generally agree.  Extrapolating from myself*, a lot of
people who use cygwin like the command line.  And ASCII is evocative of
the command line.  (I have .bashrc flash a colorized version of the
hippo when I load a primary shell.)  I also like the "prompt" icon

*  :-)

- Barry
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