
Klaus, thanks for your feedback on my sample site
(http://cygwin.codecamel.com). Further information about why/what/how
can be found in my message on the original thread
(http://sourceware.org/ml/cygwin/2010-03/msg00744.html), so I won't go
into it again on this one.

> A few months ago somebody on this list offered an appealing redesign
> of the Cygwin.com website. [1][2]  That, unfortunately, seems to have
> gone nowhere (unless something is happening behind the scenes).

Nothing is happening behind the scenes (that involves me).

I'm a HTML/CSS standards & accessibility developer so my design
ability is relatively limited, but I'm happy to incorporate any ideas
or work with a graphic designer if I'm asked to. However, I feel that
a site such as cygwin.com doesn't need anything fancy. It should
simply be clear, easy to update and standards compliant.

Also, I  agree the name "setup.exe" could be improved so perhaps a new
thread should be made for that.


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