On 09/05/2011 12:10, Corinna Vinschen wrote:

> Chris and I are wondering how many people are using the Windows console
> as local console window in CYGWIN=tty mode and why.

- I am not a Cygwin "Power User", and I am not sure to understand
  you well.

- If you talk about the console that is launched when double
  clicking on the "Cygwin" shortcut ("C:\cygwin\Cygwin.bat");
  then, I can say that I use it every day, without any modification.
  This make the job well for me, because most of the time I
  am working the "old way", editing notes, scripts and code
  with VIM; compiling code using Makefile and "make"; etc.

- Since I never tried the other consoles, I can not say more
  about that subject.



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