On Mon, May 09, 2011 at 06:10:28PM +0200, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>Chris and I are wondering how many people are using the Windows console
>as local console window in CYGWIN=tty mode and why.
>Here's why we ask:
>We are both not sure why anybody would use it voluntarily, given that
>it's I/O is extremly slow, compared to using a Windows console window in
>the default CYGWIN=notty mode or, even better, mintty.  Actually, we
>only keep the console tty mode up because it was "always there", 14
>years or so.
>So, if you're using a console in tty mode, why are doing that?  Did you
>ever notice that it's much slower?  Did you ever consider to switch to
>mintty or any other terminal emulator instead?  If not, why?  Would
>anybody really *miss* the CYGWIN=tty mode?  If so, why?  What does this
>mode have which isn't covered by notty mode or another terminal
>Please enlighten us, otherwise we will just rip out this terminal mode
>for good.

I've just checked in step 1 of this elimination of CYGWIN=tty. A snapshot
is building now.


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