Christopher Faylor sent the following at Tuesday, May 10, 2011 1:19 PM
>If we changed the /dev/console to /dev/consN (where N is a unique number
>for each console window) would that address your use case?

Yes, it works for me if there would be a reasonably small (preferably
single digit) number in the output of tty or ps.

>You would not be able to do something like echo foo >/dev/cons4 and have
>foo be echoed another console window though.

Since I haven't been on a real Unix/POSIX machine since the late '80s,
I'd forgotten about that.  Now you made me want to DO it!  :-)

>Eliminating the special case of tty handling
>would simplify the cygwin pty layer, shrink the size of the DLL, and
>generally make Cygwin a little easier to maintain.

Even if you don't accommodate me, that's OK, if your lives will be
easier.  As I wrote, if I find that I really miss tty identification,
I can learn to use mintty.  (Or maybe I should just switch - but not

Thank to you all for your work on cygwin.

- Barry
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