Ken Brown writes:

> ...

> The main change was that we stopped using Win32 Overlapped I/O
> (
> and switched to using the NT API.  As a result, pipe I/O became much
> more efficient.  It wouldn't surprise me if the efficiency alone is
> what exposed the bug.
> The good news is that the bug doesn't seem to occur in XEmacs 21.4
> (on 32-bit Cygwin).  So one way to approach this would be to bisect
> the XEmacs git repo to find the commit that introduced the bug.
> You'd probably have to do the work on 32-bit Cygwin since, if I
> remember correctly, XEmacs 21.4 didn't build on 64-bit Cygwin.

Right, although I _suspect_ it will be in 64-bit-only code.  Easy
enough to find out, once I resurrect a 32-bit install on a spare
machine that I can run 3.3 on (I use XEmacs all day every day from my
day job, so I need to stay with 3.2 until we fix this).

So, this may take a while, unless someone else hits the problem and
finds a simpler test case.

Thanks again,

       Henry S. Thompson, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
      10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh EH8 9AB, SCOTLAND -- (44) 131 650-4440
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