On Sat, 25 May 2024, Takashi Yano wrote:

> On Fri, 24 May 2024 14:46:40 -0700 (PDT)
> Jeremy Drake wrote:
> > > Thanks for the report. However, I cannot reproduce the issue.
> > > If it always hangs in GetConsoleProcessList (), I doubt it is not a cygwin
> > > bug but a windows bug.
> > >
> > > By any chance, is the number of processes that attach to the same pty more
> > > than 32768 in your environment?
> > >
> >
> > I doubt it, I was running a shell with this command:
> > find /usr/bin -name \*.dll -printf '%p:\n' -exec ldd '{}' \;
> Thanks for the details. I could reproduce the issue.
> It seems that ldh.exe (which is called from ldd?) falls into infinite loop.
> However, gdb cannot attach to ldh.exe...

Windbg reports that ldh.exe is already being debugged.  I was able to do a
"non-invasive" attach to ldh.exe in windbg, but it doesn't seem to be able
to deal with the split debug symbols (gnulink?).  I don't know if gdb can
do a non-invasive attach like that (or open a minidump assuming one could
be made from a non-invasize attach in windbg).

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