I'm attempting to debug an issue with libtool, and it seems to be related to the implementation of argz_insert and/or realloc within newlib/cygwin.

I'm using cygwin kernel 1.5.24-2, so I downloaded cygwin-1.5.24-2-src, and copied the cygwin1.dbg file from there into /usr/bin/

When I launched gdb/insight (gdb-20060706-2) on my target app, and ran the target, I got two popup windows:

"section .text not found in /usr/bin/cygwin1.dbg"
"no loadable sections found in added symbol-file /usr/bin/cygwin1.dbg"

After dismissing those two popups, I tried to go ahead and debug my libtool problem. However, if I try to step into cygwin kernel functions -- like argz_insert or realloc -- I do not see source-level info in the insight window -- I only get assembly.

Is this normal/expected, and if not, what am I doing wrong and how can I do source-level debugging of cygwin kernel functions using the distributed .dll/.dbg files?

Or should I just build the kernel unstripped using cygwin-1.5.24-2-src, and debug against that?


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