
It just makes me wonder of seebeck effect, on an
aeroplane if you demand a cup of hot water,a cup of
chilled wate and have connecting wires will it
generate enough power to drive an explosive?

Regards Sarath.

--- Mark Szewczul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> on AA, if you look down between the seats, on the
> armrest base, there is a little connector there that
> gives out 12V and looks remarkably like the
> cigarette
> lighter plug in your car!  Use that people..and
> pressure your airlines to install more (First class
> gets the AC plug to boot), or threaten them that as
> you refill your fuelcel in flight, that the bumpy
> ride
> will make you spill some and people will think you
> are
> trying to start a fire.  
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