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Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 10:39:05 PM+0500
Subject: Alternative To Handguns Package
From: Randolph Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

|Handguns, although a form of protection for some are very dangerous when 
misused, or used by
|inexperienced persons. Each day handgun misuse and abuse is a major cause 
of someone's life being |loss, robbery, rape, abduction, carjacking, and 
the list can go on.


Rapists cause rape, 
Carjackers cause carjackings
Robbers cause robberies. and the list can go on.

|All of us want to protect ourselves, and most of us would like to be educated 
on crime protection |methods. We would also like to be able to purchase 
some form of personal protection that is effective, yet |safe in case our 
children accidently get a hold of it.

Anything that is effective, is not safe. 
Anything that is safe, is not going to be effective 
What crap.

| Something that gives us less worry about it being used against us. Something 
that has the element of |surprise to our attacker.

|We At G.G.& M Business Services Inc have devised a package that is expensive 
and will provide to you a |way that will provide you a high level of personal 
security and may save your life. Although if approached |by someone with 
a gun we advise you to comply intelligently, as nothing is more important 
than your life. 

To paraphrase, "If approached by a predator, we advise to submit like the 
sheep you are. If you weren't sheep you'd have tossed this crap message 
in in the garbage. Better to be raped, robbed, sodomized, carjacked and 
murdered than to actually raise your hands in your own defense using a weapon 
is not safe for the children." 

|Our package is intended to educate you on proactive things you can do daily 
that will provide you with |some level of personal security protection and 
may save your life, and/or the life of someone you love

CubicDogs guide to proactive things you can do daily that will provide you 
with some level of personal security protection and may save your life, 
and/or (bad logic) the life of someone you love, AND, its free:

1) If someone comes to rape you, Kill them.
2) If someone comes to rob you, Kill them
3) If someone comes to carjack you, Kill them
4) If someone comes to murder you, Kill them.
5) If someone comes to abduct you, Kill them. 

After you have killed these five, your life and the lives of the people 
you love will be safer.

|Our package contains a 20 page report on things you can do to protect yourself 
agains crime such as |robbery, rape, how to protect your home, and much 
more. That is not all. The package comes with a |80,000 volt mini stun gun 
that is the size of a credit card or cigarette pack.

If someone is not mentally prepared to defend themselves with lethal force,
 than they are not
prepared to use a f*ck'n Stun Gun.

Pound sand down a rat hole. 

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