At 9:52 PM -0500 2/17/00, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
>  > Your faith in government is touching. The fact is, the crypto ban will
>  > be truly repealed when the NSA has quantum chips that can decode almost
>  > anything in realtime. The government does not care ONE SMEGGING BIT about
>  > 'terrorists' or 'criminals' or 'spies'. It cares only, solely, and totally
>  > about being able to spy on average citizens. It wants control, and that's
>Your paranoia is getting the better of you.
>Most people who work for governments are ordinary people and not the
>facist thugs of your bizare fantasies.

So were the people who worked for Stalin and Mao. So what? Normal 
people do lots of pretty vile things when they think theyre doing it 
"for the greater good".

>Most people who work for intelligence agencies are pretty normal come
>to that.

Sure. And everything they do is for our own good, and they'll believe 
that even as they pull the switch.

>As I said, the civil rights issue had no traction since there was an
>contradiction. We all knew that the export control regs. were inffective.
>So how could an ineffective regulation be a civil right threat?

Uhm, pretty easily. More easily than an effective regulation, 
actually. Since it could only be enforced arbitrarily and 
specifically, it becomes a club, not a law.

Hrm. I just switched to Eudora Pro on my new iMac and I do not like 
the quoting method...

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