Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> > Your faith in government is touching. The fact is, the crypto ban will
> only
> > be truly repealed when the NSA has quantum chips that can decode almost
> > anything in realtime. The government does not care ONE SMEGGING BIT about
> > 'terrorists' or 'criminals' or 'spies'. It cares only, solely, and totally
> > about being able to spy on average citizens. It wants control, and that's
> all.
> Your paranoia is getting the better of you.
> Most people who work for governments are ordinary people and not the
> facist thugs of your bizare fantasies.
> Most people who work for intelligence agencies are pretty normal come
> to that.

Really, then why did we have all this bullshit set of restrictions of strong

Why do we have all this recent fearmongering and FUDding about terrorists, drug
dealers, child abusers, and hackers who might use crypto and befuddle the FBI
in catching script kiddies who use denial of service attacks?  (IMHO, they're
the ones doing the DoS's anyway.)
> > > The problem was that it was billed as a purely civil rights issue. This
> > >won the argument on the need to change policy but not the issue of
> timing.
> > >I spent several years trying to work out an answer to the question 'but
> if
> > >as you say it is having no effect, why is there a need for a change
> now?'.
> > >
> > Actually, I found, to my annoyance, it was billed as a competitiveness
> > issue. OTOH, if it wasn't, NO ONE would have paid attention. At least a
> few
> > people in government are more interested in money than in power, but not
> > enough.
> As I said, the civil rights issue had no traction since there was an
> inherent
> contradiction. We all knew that the export control regs. were inffective.
> So how could an ineffective regulation be a civil right threat?

Then why not do away with them and be done with it?  We all know its hurting
the industry to not be able to use or sell strong crypto.  Why do we need code
reviews for commercial programs?  Why do we need to inform BXA of
shareware/freeware releases?

Why bother with any of that shit.  Any two bit spook can use a search engine to
find web pages serving up programs.  So why the bullshit?
> Thats why the competition issue was important, it gave the issue urgency.
>     Phill

---------------------------- Kaos Keraunos Kybernetos -------------------- 
 + ^ +  Sunder              "Only someone completely distrustful of   /|\ 
  \|/   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    all government would be opposed to what /\|/\ 
<--*--> -------------------- we are doing with surveillance cameras" \/|\/ 
  /|\   You're on the air.   -- NYC Police Commish H. Safir.          \|/ 
 + v +  Say 'Hi' to Echelon  "Privacy is an 'antisocial act'" - The FedZ.
---------------------------- -----------------------
I love the smell of Malathion in the morning, it smells like brain cancer.

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