In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 03/17/00 
   at 04:23 PM, William Allen Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>   The Marston Family Home Page, with the usual round of pictures of 
>   Mom, Dad, the kids, the dog, etc. Entire directory blocked for 
>     "Militant / Extremist, Questionable / Illegal & Gambling",
>   apparently just because of this paragraph in young Prescott's section:

>   In school they teach me about this thing called the Constitution 
>   but I guess the teachers must have been lying because this new law

>   the Communications Decency Act totally defys [sic] all that the 
>   Constitution was. Fight the system, take the power back, WAKE UP!!!!! 

Now now, the nice folks at CyberPatrol wouldn't block sites just because
the site's author didn't agree with their political agenda now would they?

William H. Geiger III            
Geiger Consulting    

Data Security & Cryptology Consulting
Programming, Networking, Analysis
PGP for OS/2:         

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