On Aug 16, 2016, at 11:46 PM, Zenaan Harkness <z...@freedbms.net> wrote:

>>> Dang Global Scientific Marketers just can't decide which terms to even
>>> use - that sure gave me confidence in their certinty!
>> Har har! Dang ol science it must be a CONSPIRACY yeah that's it!! What
>> has science ever done anyway?
>> Fucking ridiculous.
> Assertion != fact.
> Scientific theory != fact.
> Even, solid mathematical model != fact.
> "Science" as some of us prefer to use the term, is where facts, actual
> measurable testable facts, are determinable by testing and verifiable by
> someone else running the same test and making the same measurement,
> resulting in taking/ measuring the same value (same result), thus
> verifying said fact as a fact, a value, a measurement, and more than
> merely assumption arising from some scientific theory.
> Perhaps someone else can try to explain this in a clearer way? Perhaps
> it's a difficult thing to express clearly in English..

It's not difficult at all, you can play semantic games all day long. If you 
want to get down to absolutes NOTHING is a fact... I choose to put my faith in 
what seems to be the most obvious truth, based on a preponderance of scientific 
evidence. Anyone who chooses otherwise, particularly with important shit like 
this, just doesn't give a fuck or just doesn't get it, IMO.


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