> Hey,
> It's notable that your software is closed source, and I really understand 
> open source as what is expected to be supported on this list.
> But Punk-Stasi was "flaming" you and you don't need to listen to that.  
> People aren't censored here.  That means random criticism comes through.  Do 
> you need help setting up filters?
> K

Nah, one thing is criticism and other is a guy calling you repeatedly a scammer 
when you are showing up your work. That is not precisely good taste.

the source code is GPL, but I haven't published it yet, that's all.
Is in the roadmap. For reasons it will be released before 1.0

> On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 10:06 AM other.arkitech 
> <other.arkit...@protonmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear readers,
>> My intention is to respond to a public attack against my honesty and the 
>> legitimacy of my proposal.
>> I am pretty annoyed for the behavior of this individual in the list towards 
>> the system I am presenting here.
>> I don't know anything about him or her or whether they are a group of 
>> gansters operating the same moniker.
>> The only thing I know is that they are pushing my project USPS is a SCAM and 
>> thus I am a SCAMMER, or the other way around.
>> I call to everyone willing to read the landing page of my project, which I 
>> provide a pdf attached,
>> and, from it and the ideas grasped in this list, manifest IF it could be 
>> deduced that this is a scam, or looks like. Please manifest.
>> Otherwise, everyone undermining legitimate and respectable projects run by 
>> others, in any stage of development, on any stage in their roadmap, with 
>> counter positive and public undermining attitude.
>> Those should be IMHO punished with public ashame until an apology is 
>> published by, in this case, PunkStasi.
>> I leave it this way,
>> Please, anyone, let me know reasons for which this email is WRONG or/and 
>> Thanks.
>> --
>> Other Arkitech
>> The project this subject airs as a scam: http://otheravu4v6pitvw.onion/
>> Ref: https://lists.cpunks.org/pipermail/cypherpunks/2020-May/080648.html

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