At 12:08 PM 12/6/2002 -0800, Tim May wrote:
On Friday, December 6, 2002, at 10:10  AM, Greg Pelcak wrote:

The best way to say it is "Please add me to your do not call list", you don't need any confirmation after that, you can just hang up.
Some telemarketers will try to read you a disclaimer saying that it may take up to 30 days to remove your name and blahdy blah, but they are still required to put your name on the list.
The "do not call" list is mandated by law, though, and is company wide.

The point being that there is no requirement in a free society that I keep such a list, that I honor requests to be added to such lists, and so on. If you don't wish to be telephoned, keep your number secret.

I don't need permission from Big Brother to call your number.

Nor does your request that I not call you obligate me not to.

(Nothing personal, but I hate seeing list members here advocating statist solutions.)
With this logic no one could knock at your door without first checking a list. If you want to prevent the knock put a dog in your yard to screen "applicants".


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