On Tue, 11 Feb 2003, Tim May wrote:

> And so on. He talks the talk, but he and his buddies in HomeSec are
> establishing a national police force, "states rights" be damned.

He's proof that you can fool just about everyone simultaneously -
the NRA supports him inspite of his lack of  of commitment to
the 2nd.

> The impending clusterfuck (I hope) should be interesting to watch.

I'm betting 3 days start to finish of the "war" portion.  After that
it should be interesting.

> The good news is that France and Germany are saying "no" to the use of
> NATO for Bush's war. This may break apart NATO, especially as the "NATO
> wannabees" like Romania, Bulgaria, Latvia, etc. are all kowtowing to
> the U.S. demands.
> (Saddam is not an ally of liberty, and Iraq looks to be a repressive
> place. But I take "no entangling alliances" quite seriously. And unless
> there is a "clear and present danger" of an attack by or from a foreign
> nation, I say "stay at home and avoid foreign entanglements." I have
> seen no evidence that Iraq launched the 9/11 attacks, so carpet-bombing
> Baghdad seems unjustified. Powell's "smoking gun" was a fizzle.)

I've not followed it closely, but Powell claims to have a tape of
Bin Laden talking to "Iraqi's".  Al Jazerra denys it's real.  This is
all from NPR.  The game is afoot, let's see who can deliver the bigger

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

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