On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 11:46:11AM -0800, Tim May wrote:
> He talks the talk, but his Justice Department continues to enforce 
> assault weapon laws (which are ipso fact unconstitutional, as the 
> language of the Second makes it clear that military-type rifles for the 
> citizen militia were the intent, not just "target pistols" and ".22 
> plinkers"). His DOJ continues to raid houses where "gun stockpilers" 
> are believed to be.

It is possible to come up with a reasonable explanation for the DOJ's
tortured and internally contradictory position by saying they're trying
to do as little as they can while still making the broad conservative
community reasonably happy. This is consistent with that theory:

Note by broad conservative community I do not include
politically-active gun owners, who would like an actual principled
stand on the 2A. Fat chance.

The DOJ wants to have it both ways. Watch what they say about
Washington, DC's Draconian gun laws in this week's lawsuit. You can't
legally *possess* *any* firearm inside the city limits without prior
police approval. That's why the Republicans (and a good number of the
small number of libertarians here) live in Virginia.


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