On Saturday, February 15, 2003, at 05:45  PM, John Young wrote:

Response and addition to:


From: V
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 14:01:47 -0500
Subject: Racism is Not Fashionable

Tim May writes..

"A war that, Allah willing, causes Washington, D.C. to be be hit with a
suitcase nuke, cleansing it of a million criminal politicians and two
million inner city welfare mutants. 'Tis a consummation devoutly to be

The terminology "inner city welfare mutants" demonstrates that this abstract is
intended only for a certain segment of the people who read your page. I always found
your page a refreshing alternative to other news sources.

Any valid arguments Tim May presented are negated by his blatant racism. I always read
your page as being critical of stupidity. Your credibility has suffered severely with me
due to such blatant racism being expressed in the aforementioned.

This is good, as I don't need "credibility" with this "V" entity.

Besides, what's "racist" about "inner city welfare mutants"? I didn't say they are Caucasoid, Mongoloid, or Negroid. Any perceived racism is because we all _know_ they are Negroid. The negro in America is still living on the white man's plantation, still waiting for Massah in Da Big White House to make decisions for him, to give him favors and handouts, to be his pappy.

Every year that passes the negro in America falls further behind in science, technology, and business. He is now so far behind the immigrants from Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, India, Pakistan, and elsewhere that one has to wonder if there really is a genetic component at work.

The negro is transforming himself into a gutter race. Sad, but true. Think of it as evolution in action.

--Tim May

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