Hello Mr. Pächt, 

according to my information (25 years of research on persecuted music
professionals with an Austrian background) your grandfather studied violin
at the Czernowitz Conservatory, and later on in Vienna piano (?) and / or
theory with Alfred Rosé at the Wiener Volkskonservatorium, and violin with
Julius Winkler, either at the Vienna Music Academy, where Winkler taught
1924-1925 or as a private student of Winkler (Winkler was a well known
violin teacher with his own violin school).
³rout² seems to me to be an abbreviation of the German word Œroutiniert¹,
which means he was an experienced violin player. I do not know in which
orchestras he played, but he certainly must have been a good violinist with
these teachers.

As you might know, he is mentioned here:
Barbara Sauer, Ilse Reiter-Zatloukal: Advokaten, Wien: Manz 2010, S. 262

I also have a question for you : Can you tell me what happened to his wife
Marya /Maria, née Rosenzweig? Did she follow him to Italy?
I will always be grateful for any additional information.

Best wishes
Primavera  Driessen Gruber
Dr. Primavera Driessen Gruber
Sigmundsgasse 11/4
A-1070 Wien
Tel. NEU:

Von:  <bounce-127894041-95626...@list.cornell.edu> on behalf of Jeremy Pacht
Antworten an:  Jeremy Pacht <jeremy.pa...@gmail.com>
Datum:  Donnerstag, 16. November 2023 um 09:48
An:  <czernowit...@cornell.edu>
Betreff:  <SPAM> [czernowitz-l] Schule Rosé


My grandfather Carl (or Karl) Josef PÄCHT was a lawyer by profession but
also an accomplished violinist.  There were rumours within my parents¹
generation that he played, perhaps recreationally, with chamber groups drawn
from members of a leading Vienna orchestra, or that he played for one of the
main Vienna orchestras, perhaps as a substitute.

He states on his Vienna emigration questionnaire that he studied music at
³Konservatorium in Wien u. Czernowitz, Schule Rosé².

I can¹t find any reference to Schule Rosé on the internet: Does anyone here
know anything about the school, or about a Prof. Winkler under whom CJP may
have studied ?

Also ‹ this is a translation question that ought perhaps to be asked
elsewhere, but I¹ll try my luck ‹ he states that he had received further
training ³als rout. OrchesterŠ.²: can anyone tell me what ³rout.²  stands
for / means ?

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