On 01/09/2017 16:28, Simon Michael wrote:
> On 8/11/17 2:58 PM, Ben Franksen wrote:

>> How do I test a change in darcsden? I mean, do I have to set up a server
>> on my machine etc or is there a simpler way?
> Hi Ben,
> just noticed this. That is a good way. The other is to try things on the
> public hub.darcs.net to see what works and how things work, also reading
> the source code for hints. That's what I would do myself, as my
> knowledge is pretty rusty. hub.darcs.net is running the latest code from
> https://hub.darcs.net/simon/darcsden.

darcsden also has a "local" mode that runs up the server for you and
opens a web browser pointing to it: build it with -fcli and then run
'darcsden-cli' from a repository.

>From memory not everything is enabled (as they don't necessarily make
sense in single-user mode, or may not have been done yet), but it may
help in some cases.


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