
as I recently mentioned I am working on an automatic haze removal module for darktable. Adopting the useless module I added a new module to the correction group and placed this new module into an appropriate place in the pixel pipe. The only missing part is the actual implementation of the process method. Here, I got stuck with the following problem:

A central step in automatic haze removal is to estimate the color and intensity of the global diffuse background light. This is done by estimating the amount of haze in each pixel by investigating the local neighborhood of each pixel. Then the 2%, let's say, brightest pixels among the 2% of the most hazy pixels of the whole image yield the global diffuse background light. The problem now is that, only some region of interest is accessible in the process function, but I need access to the whole (possibly scaled) image data. Thus, my question is how can I extract global image features in the pixelpipe?

If I would determine the global diffuse background light just on the basis of the region of interest the result of the haze removal process would depend on the chosen image section in the darkroom preview, which is very undesirable.


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