Pull Request 1441:


Am 18.02.2017 um 12:29 schrieb Matthias Andree:
Am 17.02.2017 um 14:56 schrieb Ulrich Pegelow:
I also suggest to use the globaltonemap module as a guiding example.
Please beware that the current implementation has an issue if the
preview pixelpipe runs slower than the full (center) one - a case that
frequently happens when darktable runs with OpenCL support.

To address this issue there is currently some code in PR1441 which is
currently in review. As soon as it gets merged I suggest that you
apply the same principle in your code.

PR1441? Is that a typo?

I generally also propose to review the OpenCL pipeline defaults - with a
mid-range card I frequently observe that the preview pipe is not
permitted to render using OpenCL and that that's far slower (factor of
5) than a quadcore CPU at 2.5 GHz:

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