2017-03-16 21:50 GMT+01:00 Roman Lebedev <lebedev...@gmail.com>:

> Now, the important question: do you know if that code is noticeably
> different from
> the vanilla libraw/rawtherapee version? Does it have any
> behavior-changing changes?
> Like, producing different output for the same raw?

The main diffrerence between this code and the  libraw/rawtherapee code is
in reading the file. Libraw does it with fseek and fread into a local
"small" buffer. In a first version I replaced this by memcpy operations.
Now I use simple input.getData(...). There is some more cleanup to be done,
e.g. remove obsolete fields.

The decompression algorithm itself is untouched. I even do not know how it
is working in detail. I expect the raw the be equal.

> Oh, and, please apply clang-format to decompressors/FujiDecompressor.*
> and install clang-format git hook, so that the formatting is uniform.

I  will do this on the next commit.

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