On Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 5:04 PM, Laurent Latxague <bert...@free.fr> wrote:

> Hello !

> I have never experienced any problems with my former cameras (Canon 5D II,
> III, Fuji X-Trans) in DT, but since I switched to Leica some things are
> going wrong...
Which dt version?

> (1) Generally speaking, Leica support seems rather poor in DT, hence my
> first disappointment (I recently purchased a used M typ 240). No lens
> support for example for the lens correction module. BTW how can I
> contribute as a user to help in this way ? (I read the following page
> https://raw.pixls.us/ but there is already a M240 picture, so what ?)
Lens correction is lensfun problem, http://lensfun.sourceforge.net/lenslist/

> (2) All DNG pictures appear strongly pixellized (with ctrl-Z in the
> lightable) contrary to my CR2 or RAF files
That only shows low-quality thumbnail, so it is kind-of expected.

> (3) A few DNG pictures (actually one picture for the moment) can't be
> loaded in the darkroom, a message says that the white balance cannot be
> read from the camera, and then DT freezes...
> (4) Some thumbnails (2 actually and always the same ones despite several
> imports of the original files) appear as skulls...
That is the same problem.
Are those DNG straight out of camera, or?

> (5) Last, but not least the above 3 "faulty" files appear flawlessly... in
> RawTherapee ! Very irritating since I don't intend to move to RT...
> Any help or suggestion please ?
> TY in advance ! --

> --
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