Am Donnerstag, 10. August 2017, 09:57:26 CEST schrieb Terry Duell:
> Hello Tobias,
> On Wed, 09 Aug 2017 18:19:04 +1000, Tobias Ellinghaus <> wrote:
> > Am Mittwoch, 9. August 2017, 09:20:58 CEST schrieb Terry Duell:
> >> Hello All,
> > 
> > Hi.
> > 
> >> I'm running a local build of the current master on Fedora 26. Noise
> >> profiles exist for my cameras.
> >> I use the denoise (profiled) and dt reports "found match for ISO 800" or
> >> similar, and it works well, but sometimes when going back to look again
> >> at
> >> images already PP'd the quality of the image is poor and denoise
> >> (profiled) is saying "generic poissonian", and the camera profiles are
> >> no
> >> accessible. If I kill dt and restart, all is OK again until some
> >> (random)
> >> time later when it reverts again.
> >> Not a lot of helpful detail here I know, and any suggestions as what I
> >> might do to provide more useful info appreciated.
> > 
> > Try running dt from a terminal and see if there are any errors reported.
> Thanks, I should have thought of that.
> I didn't manage to reproduce the denoise issue, but did dt did
> crash...something that has happened before but it has been random.

When dt crashes it tries to write a crash report in /tmp/. If you can find such 
files I'd be interested in them.

> Attached text file is the contents of the terminal output.

That indicates something is wrong with your noise profiles file. Please start 
like this and see what it prints:

darktable -d control | grep noiseprofile

> Cheers,


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