Am Freitag, den 13.05.2016, 20:02 +0200 schrieb Matthias Bodenbinder:
> Am 13.05.2016 um 10:41 schrieb Blickwinkel:

> > In the meantime I found out that the image viewer smooths images when
> > enlarged or reducers. In the settings you can turn that off, now it looks
> > better, but not optimal. In addition, the other color rendering remains. I
> > think this is probably due to the export.

I think you have used more sharpening in the RAW edit than in the JPG.
If you export the RAW to JPG with the settings in the XMP, the fresh JPG
looks similar to your RAW. If you reset the sharpening to default for
the RAW in darktable the results look very similar to the JPG you

The amount of sharpening done also has an effect on the colors. It is
recommended to use a calibrated monitor for colors and lightness. 

But, as somebody else said, the RAW edit does not contain more details
-- the eyes are just not very sharp (the pants seem to be a bit more in
focus, maybe the head is blurred by her movement?).


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