
Am So 03 Sep 2017 12:55:46 CEST
schrieb Brune Wayce <brune.wa...@gmail.com>:

>> Is someone using already NVidia proprietary driver on debian testing?
> Is a problematic installation?

I'm using the NVidia driver on Debian testing with a 750Ti, just checked
my mail archive: 

Initially I had some issues. In 2014, darktable 1.4 was referencing a
different library version than NVidia provided. This got fixed in
darktable 1.6, AFAIK. Then in early 2016 I had a permissions problem
loading the NVidia modules, might have been related to my use
of apparmor, this got also fixed. Since then, stuff just works.

Installation should be easy, just choose the nvidia-* packages in your
package manager, install them.

> And with the various 1050ti (zotac, msi, gigabyte, palit... ) is
> there a card better than the others regarding the use with Linux,
> debian and darktable...?

Don't know... Somebody said it already: if possible, choose a card with
a lot of fast memory. The 1050ti cards I have seen all seem to have 4GB
of GDDR5, this sound finde.


Michael Below
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