Hello William

I have just realized that you have made a major and great evolution to the
gimp.lua script.

Now it is perfect : we can specify and get memorized the executable for
Gimp, and I have done a "copy" to get a DxO.lua and Nik(s).lua scripts for
Dxo Photolab and Nik Collection !

It is great, but as always when tools are good, we have specific requests

I used LR and I use also DxoPhotolab (PL), which includes automatically a
script inside LR to get automatic export and reimport from LR to PL.

The idea is to use LR for its catalog and processing, and use PL for the
tricky processing on some pictures (using for example the PRIME denoiser).

So, with DT and your script, I can export to PL.

But with your script, as far as I have understoood it, the process is not
exactly  the same as with the script LR/PL :

- you script copies to a new file, already referenced by DT,
- this file can be processed by Gimp (or PL) without any problem with the

The trouble that I see :
- the new file can not be a raw file (.NEF as Nikon), as I want the process
in PL done on raw files ...
- if I choose .jpg : OK PL can open it
- if I choose .png : PL can not open it
plus :
- if, in PL, I record a new copy of the image after processing : for
example, I got a .nef and I want to produce the final .jpg image, how can I
tell DT to refresh or resynchronize the folder to see the new file
generated by PL.

PS : I can send you the Dxo scripts integrated by PL inside LR folders to
do that job, for analysis.

And thank you for this great job !


2018-03-06 21:50 GMT+01:00 William Ferguson <wpfergu...@gmail.com>:

> Hi JJ,
> On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 1:38 AM, Jean-Jacques MONOT <
> jeanjacques.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello
>> 1. ImageMagick
>> Coming from LR, I was using in LR a very useful script called LRMogrify
>> to resize, add borders, .... on my final images.
>> DT is a very powerful but I do not know if a "DRMogrify" is available
>> ....
>> LRMogrify is a binary compiled script, so reverse is quite hard.
>> Does anybody has already done some scripts to use ImageMagick on windows
>> ?
>> Bindings with ImagMagick exist on Lua but Iam not very fluent with Lua
>> now and I do not know is they work on windows  ....
>> Hope someone could give me an answer.
> I  looked at LR2/Mogrify.  Nothing like that currently exists in the lua
> scripts repository.  l don't know if someone is working on it or not.  It
> does look like it would be useful.  Right now we're working on windows and
> macos compatibility for the scripts.  Once that's done, I'll take a look at
> it, unless someone beats me to it.
>> 2. DTPlugins
>> Another question : I have found here https://github.com/wpferg
>> uson/Nik_Collection some scripts refering to "DTPlugins", but I have not
>> found any doc or informations about these DTPlugin on the web. Is this a
>> way to add plugins in DT ?
> The exporter is meant to get images from inside darktable (usually as a
> raw) to outside darktable (as a jpg, tif, png, etc.)  When I wrote Edit
> with GIMP I "abused" the exporter and returned the image to darktable, so
> Edit with GIMP acts as a plugin.  DTPlugin is a work in progress to
> separate external processors, such as gimp, enfuse, hugin, the Nik
> Collection, etc. that return processed images to darktable, into a plugin
> interface and get them out of the exporter.  Having a plugin interface also
> gives us some advantages such as being able to save the xcf file from GIMP
> and reuse it if I want to make further changes to an image that I had
> already edited in GIMP.  DTPlugin currently lives only on my machine.  I
> use it daily and periodically improve it. The version on github is sadly
> out of date.  It's not currently windows or macos compatible.  Once we've
> figured out windows and macos compatibility, I'll make some updates and see
> about pushing a new version out to githup.  And yes, I use the Nik
> Collection, running under wine, with darktable.
> I also wrote exporter versions of the Nik Collection. They currently have
> hard coded paths inside them, but with the recent changes we've made for
> windows and macos compatibility I should be able to get them to work and be
> useful to others without them having to edit the code.  I could put them
> out on my github.
> One thing about macos compatibility.  That is still a work in progress
> because I don't have access to a mac, so I'm coding, shipping it off to be
> tested, then trying again.  We'll get there, but it might take awhile.
>> JJ Monot
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