Bill, thanks for letting us try your noise profiles. I did some quick tests, and they seem to work very well, particularly for very noisy images.

On 03/10/2018 07:35 PM, William Ferguson wrote:
I usually shoot 1000-1500 images per game (football, soccer, basketball), and 600-800 for baseball and softball.  I shoot raw because of the stadium light problem.  I'll shoot a burst and get 3 too green, 2 just right, 3 too red, 1 just right...

I shoot with a Canon EOS 7D, a camera not renowned for its high iso performance.

I've set up 4 styles, low ISO, medium ISO, high ISO, and very high ISO.  They are based around three instances of profile denoised, one for color noise, one for luminance, and a third to smooth things out.  The higher the ISO, I start adding things like demosiac, hot pixels, lowpass.  I vary the mostly the opacity on the profile denoise, increasing it as the ISO increases.

I usually shoot in manual, so all my exposures are pretty much the same.  I denoise one image, then copy the history stack and paste it to the rest of the images.  If I was changing exposure settings, then I denoise one image per group, and copy the history stack to the rest of the group.

I've attached my styles, if anyone would like to try them.

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