That is an interesting viewpoint. Surprising as it may seem, I think a
lot of people like watching tutorial videos. I am not one of them, but
they are very popular. In one sense, it is easier for some people
because you can see where the mouse cursor goes as well, instead of
following menu->submenu instructions.

Also, although darktable has evolved quite a bit since I started using
the 1.4 or so version, most of the basic editing is still the same.

People also like making videos. I think for people doing that in their
spare time, if that's the kind of documentation they like to create, the
fact that text is more searchable isn't going to matter much considering
making videos is more like a hobby.


On 2018-10-23 01:25 PM, wrote:
> tl;dr: Videos are hard to make, antiquate fast, and are hard to search.
> Having done teaching, I've had lengthy discussions about tutorial
> videos, lecture recordings, interactive apps and stuff like that.
> Here's my personal view:
> Don't get me wrong: I *sincerely appreciate* the effort put into
> producing tutorial videos.  And I *admire* the required enthusiasm and
> discipline.
> Video makers are heroes!
> However, I think that the required effort stands in no justifiable
> relation to the benefit.  And I'm sorry to say that.  Here's why:
> Software evolves.  And while it's already difficult to keep text based
> documentation in sync with changes in software, this is exceptionally
> difficult for videos.  In the best case it's only menus moving to
> other places, in the worst case a concept is modelled completely
> different in a new software version.
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