Em 23/10/18 18:25, dt-l...@stefan-klinger.de escreveu:
> [...]
Good videos need a script, a good speaker, and a clear concept.  They
need to be concise and to the point. [.

Is there a way to produce a video in a collaborative effort?  [...]

Maybe there are places where a video is just the right media to
present an idea (e.g., to show how tie one's shoes), and maybe a
textual tutorial about DT (which will, of course, contain images)
could even benefit from a video here or there.  But in general I'm
convinced that videos are not the right thing to teach software.


(I also have done some teaching (always in person, never at a distance) and am currently a online student of an university (doing mathematics) - meaning I am no expert at all, but I've seen things... :-)

I agree with most of what you say. I think videos can be great for global ideas and main concepts. For DT that means, less "what buttons to push", more of showing ideas. Maybe that means less teaching DT, more teaching digital editing, with 'any' tool while showing it with DT.

Ricardo André
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