Am 12.01.19 um 17:42 schrieb johannes hanika:
thanks for this! it works fine on my machine.

the conversion is done in lcms2, right? they do support unbounded
transforms now. if we're not clipping to [0,1] the colour space should
not matter at all. i'm not sure i understand the difference between
icclab and cielab.

To my understanding this is just a different convention of how a/b values are stored, either as signed integer or as unsigned values with an 128 offset.

but if we could just keep it in lab (cie, d50), we
would need to select lab as input colour profile, too. this will
result in disabling the colorin module and thus faster processing by
handing down the buffer that is already lab.

But then we would need to make sure that all modules up to colorin can handle Lab correctly. Those modules have been developed with RGB input in mind. Even simple cases like perspective correction have this assumption when it comes to detecting line structure in the image. Other modules like haze removal, denoise, graduated density will depend even stronger on RGB data.


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