J. Verreault schrieb am 16.05.20 um 14:56:
Yes I converted from nef to dng and did not keep the nef.
In my defense that happened many years ago when dng format first appeared
where I was new to digital imagery. Adobe made it sound good to me and
without much research I opted for the conversion.
I don't remember if I embedded the nef during conversion...how can I tell..?
either you see your .dng files beeing around twice the size than your .nef - or you open your .dng-Konverter and see if you can extract your .nef.
You find that option on the main screen in bottom line 2nd button from left.

darktable _does_ support .dng, but only if generated in-camera. That's because there are 4 (or 5?) versions of .dng till now. Imagine each of the native raw-formats multiplied by those number of dng versions (multiplied by number of possible dng-converters) => noone can test and verfiy and maintain all that stuff.

(And also read the release notes of Adobe on all the bugs and preconditions within their spec ... :( )




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