Jesse, All

Agreeing with you, and building upon what you've said:

In our work on CBI & LTS, it became clear that not only would a well managed service in this case be very useful, but also satisfy very important use cases for LTS.

LTS' success helps subsidize efforts like CBI & this work with Nexus. Naturally we're mindful of value to LTS members but there are benefits to the broader community too.

LTS absolutely needs dependable/durable repositories for the very long term. Each LTS member (Premium & Steering Committee level) has the right to a company specific forge. So getting it right with Nexus also helps us with flow control of content from community, into LTS central, to each company specific forge in LTS, and back the other way sometimes. Doing this by hand would be an unmanageable nightmare approximately like trying to do N simultaneous releases at the same time where N is reasonably large.

It's probably clear, we're glad to hash this out in the open to factor the wisdom from experts in the community and give us the highest chance for a strong success.


On 01/31/2013 08:32 AM, Jesse McConnell wrote:
I really don't understand the point of resetting it if there is not a clear understanding of what roll it will serve within the organization moving forward and a recommended path for how projects will interact with it.

If it is only going to be a proxy for maven central, then that is fine and you should go for it, but if you're planning on having projects actually deploy to it and/or build out the story for syncing to maven central then all of that should be ironed out ahead of time and wired up accordingly.

Maven repositories are meant to be durable and exist forever, unlike orbit repositories that are transitory and exist for small windows of time. If you screw something up with Orbit then no biggy, it will eventually just disappear and problem solved. With a maven repository once it is released it is locked away for time eternal, which is why I am such a strong proponent of having staging repositories so upon release you can give things a pre-flight check before releasing it and locking it down.

Once you set this up and take ownership of it you are making a contract with anyone that uses it that you will support the stuff in there from that point on. None of this disappearing repository stuff where you check out an old tag and some repository you built against is now missing and perhaps replaced with a different version of some dependency.


jesse mcconnell <>

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 7:20 AM, Thanh Ha < <>> wrote:

    Hi Everyone,

    Per Bug 394792 I'm looking at moving
    <> to become a managed service at Eclipse.
    I plan on tackling this issue soon and was wondering if taking
    this server down would affect any projects?

    Some things we'd like to do is update the Nexus server version as
    well as restart the service from a fresh configuration,
    essentially start over.



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