
Yes, I believe that's intentional behavior. It's always worked like that 
as I recall.

Sounds like you've got your simple solution. :)

Tim Rude

On 7/16/2017 9:37 AM, Dave Britten wrote:
> Thanks Tim. That exact approach had crossed my mind, and I think it would 
> work in most cases, but there's always a catch. If I want to do some kind of 
> special promotion like "Buy 3 get 1 free", then I wouldn't be able to set a 
> $0 price on the items that were free due to the promotion.
> I've been playing around with DP this morning (a rather pleasant way to spend 
> a quiet morning at our camp site), and I've found a rather interesting DP 
> behavior that I'd like to confirm is intentional, or whether I've discovered 
> some kind of bug/unintentional feature. In short, "Automatically computed 
> when record is created" seems to have functionality beyond what the name 
> suggests.
> I made a test database with two panels: ITEMS.DAT and SALES.DAT. The Items 
> panel has two fields:
> P2F1 - A20 - Item
> P2F2 - G$ZZ9.99 - Price
> There is one index on the Item field.
> The Sales panel has four fields:
> P3F1 - A20 - Item
> P3F2 - G$ZZ9.99 - Sell Price
> P3F3 - GZZ9::I - Sale ID
> There is one index on the Sale ID field, and Item is a data link back to the 
> Item field in the Items panel.
> The Sell Price field is computed as simply "P3F1P2F2", i.e. the Price field 
> from the Items panel. This field is set to "Automatically computed when 
> record is created". You would think that the field would only be computed 
> when pressing F9 to create a record, but it actually recomputes any time you 
> select a new linked record for the Item field, you are in CREATE mode, and 
> you have not made any changes to the Sell Price field manually. You may 
> reselect a linked Item as much as you want, and the price will update 
> automatically, but as soon as you manually enter a value Sell Price, it stops 
> updating automatically. Also, in EDIT mode, the field does not update 
> automatically at all. In other words, that's pretty much exactly what I want 
> it to do.
> Before I rely on this too heavily, can anybody confirm that this is intended 
> (but seemingly undocumented) behavior? I don't believe I've seen it mentioned 
> anywhere in either the DP manual, or "Mastering DataPerfect".
> -Dave Britten
>> On Jul 8, 2017, at 9:54 AM, Tim Rude <timr...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> You don't need a hidden field on the Invoice Line Item panel to hold the
>> desired price since that info is readily available through the item link.
>> Simply set the formula on your 'selling price' field in the Invoice Line
>> Item panel to: IF [selling price] = 0 THEN [desired price through the
>> item link] else [selling price] ENDIF
>> Set the 'selling price' field to update on any change. That way when you
>> first create the Invoice Line Item record, because the 'selling price'
>> is initially zero it auto-updates to the 'desired price'. But then you
>> can adjust it to whatever you want (except zero) and it will stick.
>> Tim Rude
>>> On 7/7/2017 1:00 PM, Dave Britten wrote:
>>> Greetings all,
>>> I've been banging my head against this one for a couple hours now, but a 
>>> lot of reading and experimenting with formula tricks hasn't gotten me 
>>> anywhere.
>>> Short version: How do I make a field on a panel refresh itself with a value 
>>> from another related panel whenever the selected value in the data-linked 
>>> field changes? This field should NOT be part of the data link key, i.e. I 
>>> should be able to change it afterwards without breaking the link.
>>> Longer version:
>>> I'm making a small sales database for selling some stuff at a flea market 
>>> later this summer. The issue here involves three panels: items, invoices, 
>>> and invoice lines. The items panel has a price field, where I store the 
>>> sticker price of the item. The invoices panel has a panel link to the 
>>> invoice lines panel. The invoice lines panel has an item field, which has a 
>>> data link back to the items panel, allowing for selecting an item. The 
>>> invoice lines panel also has its own price field, because I may sell an 
>>> item for a price other than what I had marked it (it's a flea market, after 
>>> all).
>>> What I'd like to have happen is when I press F5 on the invoice panel link 
>>> to create an invoice line item, the invoice line's price field gets 
>>> automatically filled when I select a record in the item field using the up 
>>> arrow. But I need the price on the invoice line to be updatable, and I 
>>> don't want the change to cascade back to the items panel or sever the link.
>>> I tried adding a second field (which would eventually be hidden) to the 
>>> invoice lines called "Selected Price", set to calculate as the sticker 
>>> price of the selected item at any change. Then I had the main invoice line 
>>> price field calculate something like this:
>>> IF [Selected Price] <> [Price Field In Items Panel] THEN [Price Field In 
>>> Items Panel] ELSE [Price] ENDIF
>>> That didn't seem to get my anywhere, as I haven't found a way to convince 
>>> DP to compute that field BEFORE computing the value for the "Selected 
>>> Price" field.
>>> Any ideas? Thanks.
>>> -Dave Britten
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