On Mon, 6 Aug 2001, Kirrily Robert wrote:

> >There are also a variety of things that purport to be the One True
> >Module that should be the base class for all Date:: and Time::
> >modules. There are at least 4 of these that I know of. And I wrote one
> >of them. All of them have shortcomings. These folks need to get
> >together and compromise on some things, so we can actually have one of
> >these that doesn't suck, and which people can agree on.
> Can you let us know what the other ones are?

The ones that I'm currently aware of are:

OO-DateTime (not implemented yet)
Date::ICal, sort of. There are two other modules (Date::ISO and
Date::Discordian) that subclass off of this, because it was
convenient. But I also wrote
http://date.rcbowen.com/unified_edited.txt in which I argue that such
a beast is a really good thing. However, it did not generate much in
the way of actual cooperation.

> >On a related note, I'm working on lists of all the Date:: and Time::
> >modules (yeah, I know, you can just do an ls in your CPAN mirror) and
> >trying to understand what they all do, where there is overlap, and
> >where various authors aught to get together and cooperate on some
> >things. I know, this is like herding cats, but it keeps me off the
> >streets.
> How many date/time module authors are on this list?  Have the rest been
> contacted and invited to subscribe?

I've invited several, but don't know for sure how many of them are
actually here.

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