Hello All,

Wanted to enquire if this is also true for OMAP2430 processors. I have
a OMAP2430 SDP and we are trying to build a custom board with SDP as
We wanted to have the Audio Codec AIC31B's I2S (data channel )
interface driver on the DSP core side, and the AIC31B's I2C ( control
channel ) on the ARM core side.

Warm Regards,

On 1/5/07, Andy Ngo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi All,

FYI, I got my answer from TI yesterday:


Thank you for the inquiry to TI. The Service Request #x-xxxxxxxxxx has been
assigned to your inquiry. Please refer to this number for any other
questions regarding this inquiry.

After checking around I am fairly certain that we have no audio examples
available that run solely on the DSP core. Part of the reason for this is
that the design around DaVinci was to put all of the I/O onto the ARM core
to offload it from the DSP. As you can see this is the direct opposite
approach you were trying to take.

With most of our other DSP devices we included some sort of Chip Support
Library (CSL) which was an API used to control the peripherals. The DM6446
lacks this as once again everything is controlled in the Linux world through
the Linux drivers.

I did verify that what you are trying to do is physically possible (the DSP
can access the ASP without going through the ARM) but unfortunately it looks
like you would be on your own as far as creating a driver to do so. I
apologize for the inconvenience, but hopefully this approach will still at
least work out for you. I hope this helps, but please let me know if I can
be of further assistance.

Best Regards,
Tim Harron

I guess for now, I will have to do audio processing on the ARM side and only
offload encoding/decoding responsibility to the DSP side.


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