Hello Marcel,

On 12-Apr-99 22:44:47, you wrote:

>> Anyway, the problem is not in the language.  I believe the problem is that
>> having to resort to native extensions to make a program properly integrate
>> the underlying OS to take the most of the platforms pretty much defeats the
>> point of using Java.

>There's more to Java than the "write once, run anywhere" slogan. Java is
>a very clean language (okay, there are even "purer" ones, but Java is a

You are putting this into a very academic perspective.  In a software
company what really matters is not the purity of the languages that are
used, but rather things like code maintainability and availability of
software development tools.

>very good compromise). As such, it can be used to quickly develop good
>applications. That these applications run on more than one platform is
>an additional benefit, but not (IMHO) the main reason for using the

For a lot of Java fans it is a very (if not the most) important reason.

>> It's kind of utopic wanting to develop portable programs in Java while
>> still wanting them to take the most of each platform.  Since it always
>> requires extra work to take the most of all platforms that you care it
>> doesn't make much sense to resort to Java when you already have much
>> broader support to develop native applications than in Java.

>For one there is not always a reason the "make the most of every

That's true, but usually that's a very relevant issue when you are
developing software to a market.

>platform". I agree that you sometimes want to use platform-specific
>features and that this usually means writing (small) pieces of native
>C/C++ code, but that does not make Java "useless" at all.

Right.  I never said Java is useless.  Like other languages it is a tool
and it is better suited for some purposes than others.

>> The way I see it, a lot of people are willing to use Java to write Windows
>> applications without having to put up with the Microsoft world.  If you are
>> developing software as a business I beleive this attitude is quite silly
>> but it is true that a lot of Microsoft haters still have it.

>I can tell you that I work at a company that develops software mainly
>for the Windows platform and that we do see Java as a good alternative
>in the future. Not because we hate Microsoft, but because we also see
>the limitations of other languages and like to use an open, modern

Ok, but that may only be because it is irrelevant for your market what
language you program on, otherwise adopting Java might be a big shot in
your feet.

Manuel Lemos

URL: http://www.e-na.net/the_author.html


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