Hello Thomas,

On 12-Apr-99 19:06:41, you wrote:

> >> How old is Java as a language?  A couple years you say?  

> > Actually Java is much older.  It is that it has been in the laboratory a
> > lot of time.

>OK, then how long is it available? How long is JDK 1.1 available? *I*
>know the answer.

Java has been developed for years before it was released.  I believe the
first development group was gathered about 1990/1991 and they presented a
demo in 1992.

> >> Well, then give it time to brew!

> > Anyway, the problem is not in the language.  I believe the problem is
> > that having to resort to native extensions to make a program properly
> > integrate the underlying OS to take the most of the platforms pretty
> > much defeats the point of using Java.

>No, it doesn't. Even if you have to use native code, you still have at
>least 95% portable code.

Right, but the people that use Java is precisely to stay away from any
native programming.

> > It's kind of utopic wanting to develop portable programs in Java while
> > still wanting them to take the most of each platform.  Since it always
> > requires extra work to take the most of all platforms that you care it
> > doesn't make much sense to resort to Java when you already have much
> > broader support to develop native applications than in Java.

>And then port 100% of your code to another platform? Did you ever port
>one C application fomr UNIX to Win32? *I* did...

It seems that for your software development is more important to avoid any
extra work than provide better integration with the underlying OS to please
your users.  Being so, I understand that Java is a blessing to you.  But
you have to understand that companies that intend to support a broader
market have to provide full support to each platform or else their
application are beat by the competitors that achieve better integration with
each of the users' OS.

Manuel Lemos

URL: http://www.e-na.net/the_author.html


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